【專輯歌手】:凱特芙格麗 Kate Voegele
【專輯名稱】:亂 A Fine Mess
請來曾擔任蕾哈娜、魔力紅、阿姆等大咖藝人暢銷作品的幕後推手Mike Elizondo製作,空降全美流行榜TOP10+數位榜TOP4+加拿大TOP8
單曲“99 Times”攻入成人抒情榜TOP35、曾收在替美國隊參加北京奧運的加油合輯裡之“Lift Me Up”,攀入加拿大數位榜NO.10+流行榜第29名
一位令人視線不願轉移的正妹,吉他和鋼琴是她不可或缺的伴奏樂器,絕對唱作俱佳的小才女Kate Voegele,不僅受邀在全美超高收視率的電視劇「One Tree Hill」中客串演出Mia角色,還在偶像大本營迪士尼集團的經典動畫「木偶奇遇記/Pinocchio」中演繹“When You Wish Upon A Star”歌曲,這位舉手投足皆散發明星特質的Kate,已準備好大顯身手一番。
全名Kate Elizabeth Voegele,來自俄亥俄州,從小受到音樂家父親的影響,大量聆聽各類型的樂種,16歲錄下自己的試聽帶,並於公開演出場合販售首張EP『The Other Side』。2004和2005連續兩年,以完全新人之姿參加Willie Nelson、John Mellencamp和Neil Young三大巨星合辦為美國而唱的「振興農業」巨型戶外演唱會「Farm Aid」,同時發行第二張EP『Louder Than Words』,這位小妮子的才華已廣受各界矚目,經過多家唱片公司的接洽後,Kate選擇新興的MySpace Records作為經營之地。2007年發行首張專輯『Don’t Look Away』,Kate一肩扛起大部份的詞曲創作,登上美國流行榜Top27+數位榜Top5,AMG給予四顆星高度評價。
請來曾擔任蕾哈娜、魔力紅、阿姆等大咖藝人暢銷作品的幕後推手Mike Elizondo製作新碟【A Fine Mess】,直接空降美國流行榜Top10+數位榜Top4+加拿大Top8席次。輕快吉他勾引順暢音符的“Inside Out”,搭配Kate張力十足且帶有韌性的嗓音詮釋,塑造出毫不做作的個性甜心形象;將背叛說謊的男孩狠狠拋在腦後,走出悲傷陰霾的“99 Times”,引起姐姐妹妹們的共鳴,攻入成人抒情榜Top35;附著弦樂柔美音韻的“Who You Are Without Me”,卻透著新世代獨立新女性的戀愛觀點,勇敢秀出最迷人的堅強面;拒作夢幻天使的“Angel”,以及鋼琴搖滾的動人歌謠“Sweet Silver Lining”,都是排行榜的熱門攻勢小品;曲末的“Lift Me Up”,曾收在替美國隊參加北京奧運的「AT&T TEAM USA」加油合輯裡頭,同在加拿大市場大放光芒的攀入數位榜NO.10+流行榜第29名。
1.Inside Out
2.99 Times
3.Who You Are Without Me
5.Sweet Silver Lining
6.Playing With My Heart
7.Manhattan from the Sky
8.Talkin' Smooth
9.Lift Me Up (New Version)
[Verse 1]
I've said it once and I'll say it again
I've got something hanging over my head
I was laying on your shoulder, perfectly content
Until you told me all over again
I ain't got no sob story to write
But just like everyone else I'm living this life
And you don't need to win me over
And there ain't no other side to shelter me from
I'll belong where I decide
But you say we don't mess around
You've got no freedom to come down
We don't take angels from the sky
Oh no we don't mess around
You're meant to be among the clouds
'Cause you're an angel
But that's a lie
[Verse 2]
Well I suppose you think I'm so flattered to hear
That I'm the whisper consceince in your ear
And that's exactly the reason that I'll never fit in here
Well nothing's ever that black and white, my dear
I'm not your angel, darling
I'm not your angel, darling
I am never gonna be
I'm not your angel, darling
I'm not your angel, darling
I am never gonna be
[Chorus x3]